The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc. Nursing) is a 4 year undergraduate medical programme. Nursing education is monitored by the Indian Nursing Council (INC), the programme focus on developing critical care, advanced thinking skills, proficiency and values necessary for the practice of professional nursing and midwifery. The programme prepares students to become responsible citizens by following a code of moral values and conduct at all times while fulfilling personal, social and professional responsibilities. B. Sc. Nursing programme involves classroom study, projects and assignments that enable students to gain practical knowledge of their learning.After the completion of the course, the students compulsorily need to do a six-month internship to experience real-world clinical settings and learn from them.
Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing (P.B.B. Sc.) is a 2 years undergraduate program pursued for candidates interested by the sector of Nursing. A certified RN (Registered Nurse) is capable of administering preventive, promotive, curative, and rehabilitative offerings to sufferers and communities at large.
Welcare College of Nursing, Pampra, Vettickal (P.O) Mulanthuruthy, Ernakulam Dist Pin: 682314